Small Running Title
Heal Perception
Family Constellations
About Stephanie
Stephanie Richmond began her journey into the world of healing arts when she studied Biomagnetic Therapy. This method uses magnetic fields on the body to recover from pain and illness. After working on hundreds of clients, she began to take note of the undeniable connection between illness and emotional trauma. This led her to examine and do research on the connection between dis-ease and the subconscious mind. This led her to study and become certified in Emotion Code, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, and Systemic Family Constellations. Stephanie also studies and teaches A Course In Miracles.
Stephanie focuses her expertise in helping her clients heal the root of their dis-ease, their perceptions. The techniques help her clients understand and recognize and transform subconscious belief systems that are at the base of health and emotional issues, and therefore allowing the body to do what it does best, heal itself.
Born and raised in Mexico City, Stephanie studied business in Texas, raised 3 children, then followed her passion to teach these techniques while living in Austin, Texas. Today Stephanie travels and teaches groups throughout the U.S. and Mexico.
Stephanie works on your unique life "stressors"
Life stress – work, family, finances
Belief system – conscious or subconscious, inherited or learned
The techniques that Stephanie utilizes uniquely help identify the source of the illness/disease and therefore gives rapid and effective results.